Stay obsessed by what you love...........

______Days are full and as much as I try to keep order, I find less time to write about it. The seasons change and sounds of the birds in early morning make me long to show through my work how this makes me feel. I hope that my design work will bring some of that to the fore. Someone said, "Do what you know, do what you love".
I only wish.
There are many ways to put nature in the work we all do. That is my guiding inspiration and a way to leave a part of myself in this beautiful world.______

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Life steps lightly lately. I've learned to accept what comes. There is no rant in my heart for things to be different, for things to move faster or even to move on. All the beauties of this world stay in place a bit longer.
Even this work of cleaning out and removing many things I have loved and that have such memories for all of us from the grandchildren's playroom.....even that has taken on an acceptance and even a joy. Age has it's benefits but the other side of it is that time is so fleeting and leaves such imprints,  and now, there is an end game up ahead. 

Of course there always was, but who knew?

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