Stay obsessed by what you love...........

______Days are full and as much as I try to keep order, I find less time to write about it. The seasons change and sounds of the birds in early morning make me long to show through my work how this makes me feel. I hope that my design work will bring some of that to the fore. Someone said, "Do what you know, do what you love".
I only wish.
There are many ways to put nature in the work we all do. That is my guiding inspiration and a way to leave a part of myself in this beautiful world.______

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

preparation .....

I like this theme so far. In fact I love this theme. Smooth untextured areas with something added. I used no patina on this, and have not decided whether to keep it or not ..and the way to keep it is an entirely different story. Several choices there. Size is 1 3/4 x 3/4 inch.

The world is still in an uproar and it feels a little strange. Perhaps I need to get out a little more. Of course, I say that and tomorrow I will be out all day and all evening so I will be so ready for my studio on Thursday. Girls night...going to Stevie Wonder...and dinner. I am actually going to a painting group tomorrow morning also so ... new things! Taking my pastels instead of watercolor.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Trying to work and keep abreast of the news.
Very sad that so many people seem to believe the Iranians are not like us. Only some of us have empathy in this situation. I feel so frightened for the people who have spirit enough to fight for their rights.
Even my dreams are restless and full of frustration.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

working ...

I am taking a break to jot a few things down and show what I made for my friend Jeannie's  birthday. Our birthdays are the same and I am lucky it makes it easy to remember. Actually, I'm just very lucky she is such a close friend. You know, a special person. 
I did get this idea from a project in a book and although I feel very iffy about constructing other's ideas I also know that until I put my own spin on this I would not sell them and I always say they are Sherri Haab's design. The artichoke is special to us because I am not only set back in time to my family making the most incredible Italian style artichokes but I was privileged to be included when Jeannie's  father in law made the most delicious ones many years ago, at a very special get together that was so much fun. I wish for everyone that they have a friend that is always there and makes them laugh. We laugh when we hear each other's voice on the phone. How great is that!   I think she will be thrilled by this little gift. 

I am constantly ordering more metal clay so I finally ordered two large packages and hope it lasts for a while. I love this process still and I am making beads again and incorporating them into my work so I am busy and happy.